Leader Resources

Welcome, C3 Trainees and Leaders! Here are some useful project resources for you:

  1. Check out our project development workbook for ideas on where to get started in your project planning.
  2. Fill out a project proposal here. (If you’d like to see a pdf of the proposal for your reference, you can look at it here – but remember that you have to submit your proposal through Google Forms, please.)
  3. Then, you will be assigned a staff liaison who will work with you to fill out your project budget and acquire your materials. Your materials list will be subject to approval by your liaison.
  4. When you finish your project, please submit a final report here.

Looking for help spreading the word about your project or volunteer opportunities? The C3 Leader newsletter is the perfect place to do just that. The C3 Leader newsletter is typically sent out the first Monday of the month. If you have a project or opportunity you want to see included in the newsletter, please send it to c3@naturemuseum.org by the last Monday of the previous month (e.g. to be included in the May newsletter, information must be submitted by the last Monday in April).

You can check out recent archived newsletters by clicking here.

Any questions? Contact us at c3@naturemuseum.org.